Ukrainian Rescue Fund

The other night at the TBO Board of Trustees meeting, ECC Director Eileen Kaplan told us of the project to help Jewish Ukrainian families settle in Broward County.

The Ukrainian Rescue Fund was set up by the wife of Rabbi Watstein from B’nai Aviv in Weston. The Rescue Fund is looking for several Jewish schools to sponsor Jewish refugee children from war-torn Ukraine. While the Jewish Federation is helping with necessities, housing, clothing, and more, the children are really in need of a safe school environment where they may grow and thrive.

Most of the synagogue schools in Broward County are taking 2 or 3 children. We were asked if we would sponsor one child, who lives with his family in Tamarac. The cost of our school next year is $12,337 for a full day and $8,946 for a half day.

I'm looking to you as a generous and active member of the congregation to join me in making a donation to defray at least part of the cost of nursery school for this child you can make your donation filling out the form below. Please let me know if you have any questions about this project, and encourage other who may want to participate. We promised to let the Ukrainian Refugee fund know our decision this summer, and your participation will be key to our final decision.

Thank you for your commitment to TBO, to social action, to the Jewish People, and to one little 3-year-old boy.

Cathy Glassman Member Board of Trustees

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