
Tenth Grade Confirmation

The Temple Beth Orr Confirmation program is one where teens talk over a light supper, gaining a deep understanding of what it means to live a Jewish life as an adult. The class is discussion-based and focuses on topics that students may have wondered about, but have never before had the opportunity to delve into deeply:

→ How does one make a wise decision in ethical dilemmas that face older teens
→ What do Jews believe theologically
→ What is the difference between Jewish denominations
→ How does one stay Jewish outside of your parent’s home
→ What is the relevance of Israel and current events
→ How do we honor and respect our bodies

Traditionally, the Reform movement draws a parallel between the Jewish people’s acceptance of Torah at Mt. Sinai and the Confirmands’ acceptance of the role of Torah in their adult lives, so the class culminates with a Confirmation service on the Sunday morning nearest the festival of Shavuot. The Confirmands take part in all aspects of the service and share their own words on their Jewish identity with the congregation.

For more information on confirmation, please contact our office at [email protected] or calling (954) 753-3232